Wednesday, October 3, 2012

#7: American Brutality Bib

Allen, James, and John Littlefield. "Journal E: Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography in America." Journal E: Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography in America. Twin Palms, 2005. Web. 02 Oct. 2012. <>.

Allen, James, Hilton Als, John Lewis, and Leon F. Litwack. Without Sanctuary. Santa Fe: Twin Palms, 2004. Print

Boudreau, Kristin. The Spectacle of Death: Populist Literary Responses to American Capital Cases. Amherst, NY: Prometheus, 2006. Print

Ekland-Olson, Sheldon, and Danielle Dirks. How Ethical Systems Change: Lynching and Captital Punishment. New York: Routledge, 2012. Print

Pfeifer, Michael J. Rough Justice: Lynching and American Society, 1874-1947. Urbana: University of Illinois, 2004. Print